Thursday, March 5, 2009


Sold. What is it about that little word? When you are at an auction, you get to experience both excitement and urgency as the gavel is dropped and the auctioneer booms out the phrase, "Sold!"

When you are purchasing a big ticket item like a car or furniture for your home, the process is much more drawn out as you look at options for what will really fit your lifestyle and your budget. Unfortunately, when you finally reach your decision, no one gives you that extra lift by boldly stating, "Sold!"

Real estate is a big ticket item that is different. The process is long and the decision is great, so we want to reward your success with the praise that only a declaration of "Sold!" can give. My real estate associates and I love to see the word in print for it means we have brought joy and closure into the lives of both a buyer and a seller. When the sale is complete, everyone gets to move on to the next phase of their life. As your Realtor, not only will I say the word, I will go right over to your new home or former home, whichever the case may be, and place a sign for everyone to see that that the property is "Sold!". What a rush!

Click on the links 1655 Chestnut, Trenton, NJ or Villages at Hamilton, Hamilton, NJ to enjoy the experience of selling or buying a New Jersey home with me. Then give me a call so we can offer you a first person experience in the dynamics of "Sold!". Office: 609-587-9300 ext 403 or Cell: 609-658-2612.

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