Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to Make Sure Your Hamilton NJ Home Passes the Buyer Inspection

You've finally found a buyer and are under contract.  Now it's time for that all-important buyer inspection and you sure don't want any problems to surface that might stop the sale.  How can you prepare your property to pass that home inspection?  In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre-inspection yourself if you know what you’re looking for. And knowing what you’re looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones.

My latest New Jersey Real Estate newsletter offers 11 tips on what you need to know for your property to pass.  Click the link for the full report.  While homebuyers are as individual as the homes they plan on purchasing, one thing they share is a desire to ensure that the home they will call their own is as good beneath the surface as it appears to be. Will the roof end up leaking? Is the wiring safe? What about the plumbing? These, and others, are the questions that the buyers looking at your home will seek professional help to answer.

According to industry experts, there are at least 33 physical problems that will come under scrutiny during a home inspection. Here are the 11 most common of these.  If not identified and fixed, any of these 11 items could cost you dearly in terms of repair.

1.  Defective Plumbing
2.  Damp or Wet Basement
3.  Inadequate Wiring & Electrical Service
4.  Poor Heating & Cooling Systems
5.  Roofing Problems
6.  Damp Attic Spaces
7.  Rotting Wood
8.  Masonry Work
9.  Unsafe or Over-fused Electrical Circuit
10.Inadequate Security Features
11.Structural or Foundation Problems

This is a serious list and could cost you not only the sale but a lot of money to repair.  Call or email me and let's do a pre-inspction of your Hamilton NJ home so you won't be surprised.  I have a lot of experience in the New Jersey building trades, and can help you spot potential problems.

Joe Giancarli, SA
Short Sale Specialist
Real Estate Advisor

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